Thieves Cross was born in early 1984. A project started by Bryan Thomas and Bruce Douglas. The drummer was a Casio drum machine. When May appeared that year, two new members were added to the band. Clark Rodgers ( from the band The Bruces. Drummer of The Bruces, Biff O’Hara joined as vocalist of the band. Rounding out the foursome was Bradley Pope, thus forming a tight rhythm section. The band continued to perform for at least five years to come. The genre was different. The genus was widely misunderstood. Parody goth with psychedelic interludes added confusion to many skate punk bands and their audience. It must be said that many bands onward took to the style of Thieves Cross. Dabbling in a funk/punk genre for a few songs caused some to talk. Heavy rotation of the single “Slaughter Hotel” on a Foothill College radio station, KFJC. The incessant broadcast of that song was accomplished by frequent telephone request.


Bryan picked the band’s name while studying at college. Throwing open a book of symbols and lunging a finger wherever it landed.


The band

